hajimemashite, dozo yurushiku ^_^

Firstly, Chelsea won the game..(Chelsea beated Liverpool 2-0 at Stamford Bridge, it was a beautiful game though) and Chelsea rules the league again..hopefully till d end. (",).. I've always been Chelsea's number 1 fan! Long time ago I was Man Utd maniac, but then my 3rd brother 'encouraged' me to be die-hard-fan of Chelsea.and I did... ^_^
Secondly, I took passport photos (my mom made me to because now passport is as cheap as RM100+ so, she says, it's d only chance, once in a life time, yeah2 whatever..hehe, I thought it wouldn't be a nice shot because I have lots of crappy acnes on my face which drive me crazy everyday! anyway, d photographer apparently was an Einstein (female version) so she used camera trick to blind us (my acnes are gone, they disappear, which I thought, damn, I have a fake face, no excitement at all)..but anyway I look...okei laa...thankful 4 that..
Next, I went to Jusco Melaka..I was browsing 4 kitchen stuff like a super idiotic kawaii girl(hehe) when I saw Kinder Bueno, my favourite chocolate, and my eyes went blink-blink which then I saw a group of old folks wearing like tourists (I was pretty sure they were Japanese). They were like surrounding Fererro rosche ( i hate French spelling) chocolate and I was so curious to know whether they were Japanese or just Malaysian Chinese.
so I kept my distance close to listen to their conversation.. and BINGO. Suddenly, one of them approached me and asked where are these chocolate made from? and I was like, shit where the hell is the labelling gone? The funny thing was, I said lots of crappy things like when I read d labelling, "IMPORTED: Singapore" and with no doubt I told 'em, these are made from Singapore. (which definitely FALSE. I am so sorry.. I didn't know it wasn't make in Singapore).
then they were all said something which then made me realized who they actually were. Yup they were Japanese and I asked them,
"Are you guys from Japan?"
They nodded and I plastered wide broad shiny smile on my freaking face and I said, "HAJIMEMASHITE"
and I bowed..like a japanese girl which was sweet...I thought so..hehe...
to make it short, we met again, and again ('cause Jusco isn't that HUGE) and eventually, Mr Hitoshi Miyake gave me his business card, and followed by his dear friends..I was insanely excited and he asked for my name, email address and stuff, so I wrote 'em down on his piece of paper, and I also wrote my name in Japanese on it.
Ohh yeah they were excited to see this Malay girl can speak Japanese(although my grammar was horrible and extremely suck and my Japanese vocabulary were no where in my freaking head) but hey, I made an effort and I had d guts to speak.So, we said few in Japanese and mostly in English (luckily they can speak English very well) and later we had to say Sayonara..Their flight would be around 11pm so by now, they must have arrived in KLiA. Sayonara Miyake-san, Inaoka-san and your friends.....^_^
So...damn yeah I am gay (happy)..insanely bright and shiny, today...I am bright and shine ^_^
take care......selamat beramal (",)
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