I feel good nananana..
I'm feeling good now, after the 'luahan hati' session on my previous note, I feel a lot better. Oh yeah btw, happy dewali to all Indians and those who celebrate it. (",)
Well, I didn't mean to be mean by writing those rude and nasty words but it was just what I felt. My buddy told me that he did'nt do blog because he thinks blog is a place where people throw their feelings, anger and their problems. I disagreed with him at that time, but today I think he has a point. Why actually people do blog? Why am I doing blog? What's the catch? What's the passion? I have no idea...seriously.. There were times where I felt like I wanted to delete this gmail account hence delete this blog. But I thought I might end up regretting it. so I just stopped myself from doing that and continued writing in diz stupid blog.
Today, I am going to stop screwing around. You know what, I am so determine to stop screwing. I know, I've always screwed my determination, usually my determination can only last about a week or less, but right now, I want to succeed. I want to get a degree so badly.. I'd kill to get the degree of Biotechnology! 'cause I deserve it, I deserve to succeed, I deserve to study, I freaking deserve to play a role as Allah's slave on this earth and make Him proud!
TPM is a great place to study, there's no doubt about that althought not all people often heard of it, but it's fine, it's not the place that matters, it's your effort, your passion and your strength, those matter. So I'm going to shut my ears to those bad mouth about TPM, and just try my best to stay strong, 'cause no pain no gain. Oohh I love those words. "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" so true...

Well, I have plans. and I know Allah Taala has plans for me too, better ones I know, but I do not know what are those plans.. I just hope I understand the plans He has for me, that He loves me, my family and the rest of us, that I know..^_^
Insya Allah, we're all be safe here, today, tomorrow, and the after-life, insya Allah..amin..
Take care now,
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