time to get up!
Alhamdulillah, things have cooled down a little, although nothing has been solved. But the huge wave that hit us has gone..only damages left..redha is the right thing to do right now. Well, I have to admit that I was down lately.All those craps really hit me so hard that I was barely able to breathe. I always thought that I was strong. I've seen worst, therefore, I thought, whatever come, I should be able to overcome it. Apparently, I was wrong. I am not strong. I am weak. I cry like a baby, whining like a moron, and do nothing! Just waiting for some help from heaven! God... I can't believe I am this weak, not until my own blood told me, he opened my eyes though. I realised how weak I am.How too sensitive I have been, feeling so down, and refused to get up.
Well, now, I think it is time for me to get up. No more whining. No more crying over a spilt milk(btol ke pribahase ni?). No more thinking I am the most unluckiest person alive! It's a lie and yeah, not true at all. I'm making plans now. Plan A, Plan B. C,D...etc.
I don't know whether or not it's goin' to work because usually when I make a plan, thing doesn't follow the plan. Never I think..huhu..but as the Japanese love to say, "Let us fall for the 7th time, get up for the 8th time!"
I admit, I have high-sky dream. Frankly, I wanna be a doctor, and I think the whole nation knew 'bout this already. But, my pointer in matrix didn't qualify me to get into the state-of-the-art faculty.yeah it was devastating. I was at my breaking point. It was so painful that I just can't think. I stop thinking. But then, life must go on, right? So I moved on...but until today, my dream to be a doctor never fades. the passion is still living inside me, every second of my life...although my mom's favourite words always pop in my head "Beggars can't be choosers,"...ouch!hehe..
Again, the test hit me. It's okay. I know, from the tests, I learn that, all the tests are for my own good.to teach me to be a better person. Strong. a wise thinker. Experienced.so there's no need for me to be all bitchy and gloomy just because I have problems, C'MON! everybody has problems. so what? just deal with it! it's the colors of life..
well, my brother said to me, "Kadang-kadang, kita nak capai bintang kat langit, kita kena menyembah bumi Bella(bukan nama sebenar)," and that words will never I forget.. I wanna shoot the star, but I have plastic rocket. Can't I make it? Impossible! so what should I do? Think, think..same goes with my life.My future.. Besides using my head, never ever stop praying and begging to Allah Taala. Ask for His help.Turn to Him. Beg for His mercy, love and care.
~Telah berkata Jibril a.s "Wahai Tuhan. Engkau sampaikan(makbulkanlah) hajat hamba-Mu(kita, hamba yang hina)" Maka Allah menjawab "Biarkanlah hambaku itu..kerana Aku mencintai rintihan suaranya..." Masya Allah..
So, insya Allah, I'm trying to be strong. To be mature. To be ridiculously heartless in sense of sensitivity towards problems and stuff. I have to be confident and believe in me.Insya Allah. I can do this. Definitely. and so do my friends, inshallah....
Alhamdulillah, things have cooled down a little, although nothing has been solved. But the huge wave that hit us has gone..only damages left..redha is the right thing to do right now. Well, I have to admit that I was down lately.All those craps really hit me so hard that I was barely able to breathe. I always thought that I was strong. I've seen worst, therefore, I thought, whatever come, I should be able to overcome it. Apparently, I was wrong. I am not strong. I am weak. I cry like a baby, whining like a moron, and do nothing! Just waiting for some help from heaven! God... I can't believe I am this weak, not until my own blood told me, he opened my eyes though. I realised how weak I am.How too sensitive I have been, feeling so down, and refused to get up.

I don't know whether or not it's goin' to work because usually when I make a plan, thing doesn't follow the plan. Never I think..huhu..but as the Japanese love to say, "Let us fall for the 7th time, get up for the 8th time!"
I admit, I have high-sky dream. Frankly, I wanna be a doctor, and I think the whole nation knew 'bout this already. But, my pointer in matrix didn't qualify me to get into the state-of-the-art faculty.yeah it was devastating. I was at my breaking point. It was so painful that I just can't think. I stop thinking. But then, life must go on, right? So I moved on...but until today, my dream to be a doctor never fades. the passion is still living inside me, every second of my life...although my mom's favourite words always pop in my head "Beggars can't be choosers,"...ouch!hehe..
Again, the test hit me. It's okay. I know, from the tests, I learn that, all the tests are for my own good.to teach me to be a better person. Strong. a wise thinker. Experienced.so there's no need for me to be all bitchy and gloomy just because I have problems, C'MON! everybody has problems. so what? just deal with it! it's the colors of life..

~Telah berkata Jibril a.s "Wahai Tuhan. Engkau sampaikan(makbulkanlah) hajat hamba-Mu(kita, hamba yang hina)" Maka Allah menjawab "Biarkanlah hambaku itu..kerana Aku mencintai rintihan suaranya..." Masya Allah..
So, insya Allah, I'm trying to be strong. To be mature. To be ridiculously heartless in sense of sensitivity towards problems and stuff. I have to be confident and believe in me.Insya Allah. I can do this. Definitely. and so do my friends, inshallah....
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